FIT - Fashion Institute of Technology
FIT stands for Fashion Institute of Technology
Here you will find, what does FIT stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fashion Institute of Technology? Fashion Institute of Technology can be abbreviated as FIT What does FIT stand for? FIT stands for Fashion Institute of Technology. What does Fashion Institute of Technology mean?Fashion Institute of Technology is an expansion of FIT
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Alternative definitions of FIT
- Frequency Intensity Time
- Focused Industry Training
- Failure unit
- Framework For Integrated Tests
- Forum For Information Technology
- Focused Individual Training
- Federal Income Tax
- Florida Institute of Technology
View 135 other definitions of FIT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FHR Flint Hills Resources
- FNC Fox News Channel
- FRBNY Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- F&LL Foley & Lardner LLP
- FSU Ferris State University
- FCG Fulton County Government
- F&S Frost & Sullivan
- FM The Fresh Market
- FUKI Fujitsu in the UK and Ireland
- FTRE First Team Real Estate
- FDU Fairleigh Dickinson University
- FGN Fiscalia General de la Nación
- FICCL Fullerton India Credit Company Ltd.
- FA The Football Association
- FOS Financial Ombudsman Service
- FUB Freie Universität Berlin
- FUMC First United Methodist Church
- FGB First Gulf Bank
- FNB First National Bank
- FA&MU Florida A&M University